Our partners

Thank you to all our sponsors, supporters and trusts for their support.

FR Barge

Inner Circle

Directors' CircleRussell & Irina Jacobs
BenefactorsAlexander Bradford

Norton & Elaine York


Christine Cox
Jacky Erwteman
Patricia & John Glasswell
Jim & Nouchine Stidham
Will, Lisa, Gracie & Tilly Thompson

AmbassadorsAnthony & Minnie Durrant
David Dutton
Susan Farmer
Lara & Eric Reichle
Tony & Sue Rosner
Patrick & Rene Sandberg
Jeremy & Kiran Sandford
Brian Smith
Rosalyn & Nicholas Springer
AssociatesRotha Bell
Steve Edge & Jane Fogg
Gary Hess
Sue Kinder


Melinda Atwood
Sandra Treagus
PlatinumSteven Joseph
Cyril & Heather Mundy
Chris Simpson
GoldJeffrey and Mary Archer
Lorraine Barnes
Beatrice Blazye
Claire & Graham Buckland
Jackie & Michael Gee
Malcolm & Caroline Johnston
Nina Kaye
Lindsay Anne Miller
Andrew & Rhiannon Sargent
Kimberly Stallvik
Liz Wheeler
Richard & Susan Wolff
SilverSadig Ayoub Bey
Robyn Durie
Jane & Neil Elias
Kim Franklin KC
Peter & Lynne Graham
Annabel Jack
Shitij Kapur
Ian McGarry
Heather McLain
Nancy Miller & Glen Ireland
Tessa Smith
Ivor Spiro
Andrea Taylor
David & Vivienne Woolf

And all our anonymous Patrons and Donors.




Hotel Partners

Media Partners

Official Spirits Partners

Stage Audience


We are hugely grateful to the Trusts and Foundations who have supported our recent projects, including those who wish to remain anonymous:

  • Garfield Weston Foundation
  • The Andor Charitable Foundation
  • The David Laing Foundation
  • The Mackintosh Foundation
  • The Rose Foundation
  • The Williams Charitable Trust