A Tale of Two Cities

07 July 2017 - 05 August 2017

Adapted from the novel by CHARLES DICKENS

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair; we had everything before us, we had nothing before us.

Sound familiar? How much more do those in power think Europe’s poor can take? When will the people take to the streets of the cities and roar enough is enough?

Financial Times

“Dunster and director Timothy Sheader enterprisingly wrestle Dickens away from Sunday tea-time period drama and emphasise that he was a writer who tackled the poverty and injustice of his day.”
“Marième Douf has a COMPELLING stillness as Lucie Manette, Patrick Driver is TOUCHING as her emotionally damaged father, and Kevork Malikyan impresses as the kindly banker who helps them.

British Theatre Guide

“This is no cosy costume Dickens. It is a tale of today with a mixture of clothes from now and the period Dickens was writing about…Yet the story is still Dickens.”
“This is A POWERFUL ENSEMBLE PERFORMANCE from a strong multicultural cast that is choreographed by Liam Steel into some EXTRAORDINARY VISUAL SCENES.”
“Anyone who loves theatre and craves social justice should see this fine production.”


“Lee Curran's lighting adds a splash of colour as the night sets in, from the blood-red Terror to the heavenly white which engulfs Sydney Carton in his poignant monologue that ends the play. Nicholas Karimi (Carton) stands out, capturing pure emotion with lines that speak to the times in which we are living.”

Evening Standard

“Nicholas Khan proves memorably loathsome as the Monseigneur, who embodies aristocratic corruption, and Jude Owusu captures the decent yet passive manner of Charles Darnay”